Project Description

Commitment to Sustainable Employment

Institute of Employment and Training

O Sistema de Incentivos (SI) à Inovação Produtiva visa promover a inovação empresarial através do investimento em equipamentos e tecnologias que se traduzam numa maior e mais eficiente capacidade produtiva.

Download the infosheet here

Support Status



Mainland Portugal


Up to 175.000€

Eligible Entities

Individual Person
Corporate Person

Commitment to Sustainable Employment

Institute of Employment and Training

A Linha Regenerar Territórios está integrada no Programa Transformar Turismo e visa apoiar projetos que reforcem a atratividade turística dos territórios e lhes acrescentem valor, nomeadamente projetos no âmbito do turismo cultural e patrimonial, entre outros.

Download the infosheet here

Support Status



Mainland Portugal


Up to 175.000€

Eligible Entities

Individual Person
Corporate Person

Condições do Incentivo

  • Financial support for the open-ended hiring of unemployed citizens registered at the IEFP, combined with financial support for the payment of social security contributions during the first year of the supported employment contracts.
  • Mainland Portugal
  • Em breve
  • Natural or legal person, of a private legal nature, profit-making or non-profit-making.
  • To be properly constituted and registered;
  • To fulfill the legal requirements demanded for the exercise of the activity or to present proof of having initiated the applicable process;
  • To have fulfilled all obligations related to taxes and social security contributions;
  • Not to be in a situation of non-compliance regarding financial support conceded by the IEFP;
  • To have fulfilled all obligations related to refunds, within the framework of financing from the European Structural and Investment Funds;
  • To have an organised accounting system, according to the law;
  • No payment of salaries in arrears (with the exception of companies that have initiated a special insolvency procedure foreseen in the Insolvency and Company Recovery Code or a procedure within the Out-of-Court Company Recovery System);
  • Not to have been condemned in a serious or very serious criminal or administrative procedure for violation of labour legislation, namely regarding discrimination at work and access to employment, in the last three years, except if the penalty applied within this procedure results in a longer period, in which case the latter applies.
  • Unemployed registered in IEFP (*), in one of the following situations:
    • For at least 6 consecutive months;
    • For at least 2 consecutive months when dealing with a person:
      • Aged 35 or under;
      • Aged 45 or over;
  • When, regardless of how long they have been registered, they are:
    • Beneficiary of unemployment benefit;
    • Beneficiary of the Social Integration Income;
    • Disabled and incapacitated person;
    • A person who is part of a single-parent family;
    • A person whose spouse or unmarried partner is also unemployed and registered at the IEFP;
    • Person who has been applied a promotion and protection measure of residential shelter;
    • Victim of domestic violence;
    • Refugee;
    • Ex-convicts and those serving or having served non-custodial sentences or judicial measures who are able to enter active life;
    • Drug addicts or alcoholics in a recovery process;
    • Person who has no record in Social Security as an employee or as a self-employed worker in the last 12 consecutive months preceding the date of registration of the job offer;
    • Person who has rendered effective service under a Contract Regime, Special Contract Regime or Volunteer Regime in the Armed Forces and who is in the conditions set out in paragraph 2 of Article 22 of Decree-Law No. 76/2018, of 11 October;
    • A homeless person or a person undergoing a process of social insertion in an answer defined for that purpose;
    • Person to whom the Statute of Informal Caregiver has been recognised and who has provided care as main informal caregiver;
    • People who have completed an internship financed by the IEFP less than 12 months ago, within the scope of projects recognised as being of strategic interest, including projects presented jointly by promoters and technology interface centres.
  • To prevent and combat unemployment and stimulate the hiring of the unemployed, namely young people and people with disabilities;
  • To foster and support the net creation of jobs;
  • Promote the improvement and quality of employment, encouraging more stable labour relations and the setting of adequate wages;
  • Promote gender equality in labour market access and conditions.

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Outros apoios abertos

Territorios Inteligentes

Linha Regenerar Territórios

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Qualificação da Oferta

SI Inovação Produtiva

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Tesouraria – Covid 19

Empreende XXI

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