Project Description

Enterprise XXI

Institute of Employment and Training

O Sistema de Incentivos (SI) à Inovação Produtiva visa promover a inovação empresarial através do investimento em equipamentos e tecnologias que se traduzam numa maior e mais eficiente capacidade produtiva.

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Support Status



Portugal Continental


Up to 175.000€

Eligible Entities

Public Entities
Private Entities

Enterprise XXI

Institute of Employment and Training

A Linha Regenerar Territórios está integrada no Programa Transformar Turismo e visa apoiar projetos que reforcem a atratividade turística dos territórios e lhes acrescentem valor, nomeadamente projetos no âmbito do turismo cultural e patrimonial, entre outros.

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Support Status



Portugal Continental


Up to 85.000€

Eligible Entities

Public Entities
Private Entities

Incentive Conditions

  • The measure envisages the following support schemes for the setting-up and development of new business projects:
    • Financial support to eligible investment for the creation of companies;
    • Financial support for the launching of self-employment;
    • Professional training appropriate to the start-up of companies and to self-employment, whenever necessary;
    • Mentoring and specialized consultancy in the area of entrepreneurship to reinforce skills and for the structuring and consolidation of the project;
    • Possibility of setting up in incubators, whenever necessary;
  • These supports can be cumulative.
  • Mainland Portugal
  • For the creation of a company:
    • Up to 85%, under the following conditions;
    • 40% non-refundable;
    • 45% reimbursable without interest;
  • Increases to the non-refundable fund:
    • 30% – When the job is filled by a person of the under-represented sex in a given profession;
    • 25% – In the case of jobs located inland;
    • 20% per job, “when it is a project with more than one promoting beneficiary”;
  • Creation of self-employment:
    • Non-repayable fund up to 15 times the value of the IAS (15* 443,20 € = 6 648 €);
    • Up to 4 jobs;
  • Bonuses:
    • 30% when the post is filled by a person of the sex under-represented in a given profession;
    • 25% in the case of jobs located inland;
    • 20 % per job, when the project has more than one promoting beneficiary;
  • Professional training:
    • When it is confirmed that the applicants do not have adequate vocational training for the development of the business they must attend training actions aimed at developing entrepreneurial skills or other areas of skills identified as relevant to the project;
    • The training actions foreseen in the previous number can be provided by IEFP, I. P, Startup Portugal or by the follow-up entities Empreende XXI, preferably prior to the submission of the application.
  • Private profit-making entities, irrespective of their legal form;
  • Cooperatives;
  • Self-employed worker, with business or professional income.
  • All investment relevant to implementation, with the following exceptions:
    • Acquisition of real estate;
    • Building construction;
    • Investments whose relevance for the implementation of the project is not substantiated;
  • The financial support to investment can only finance the working capital related to the project up to 50% of the eligible investment, with the limit of 10 times the Social Support Index (IAS). (10* 443,20 € = 4432,0 €).
  • Young people between 18 and 35 years old – including those who have never worked under an open-ended employment contract;
  • Unemployed – Including those who are not studying or attending training;
  • Other unemployed persons registered with the IEFP – including those who meet the conditions to be beneficiaries of the measure Supporting the Return of Emigrants to Portugal, except in what concerns the signing of a work contract on behalf of others, and the respective members of the household.

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