Project Description

Productive Innovation Grant

Portugal 2020

The Incentive System (SI) for Productive Innovation aims to promote business innovation through investment in equipment and technologies that translate into greater and more efficient production capacity.

Download the infosheet here

Support Status



Mainland Portugal


Up to 25.000.000€

Eligible Entities

Public Entities
Private Entities

Productive Innovation Grant

Portugal 2020

The Incentive System (SI) for Productive Innovation aims to promote business innovation through investment in equipment and technologies that translate into greater and more efficient production capacity.

Download the infosheet here

Support Status



Mainland Portugal


Up to 25.000.000€

Eligible Entities

Public Entities
Private Entities

Incentive Conditions

  • Individual projects involving innovative activities that intend to develop an initial investment, related to the following typologies:
    • Creation of new facilities;
    • Increasing the capacity of an existing facility;
    • Diversification of an establishment’s production into products not previously produced at the facilities;
    • Fundamental change in the overall production process of an existing facility.
  • Mainland Portugal.
  • The financial support is calculated by applying a base rate of 45% (micro and small enterprises), 35% (medium-sized enterprises) and 15% (large enterprises) to the eligible expenses, which may be increased by accretions, and the overall rate may reach 75%;
  • Support is granted under the following conditions:
    • 50% of the incentive granted through a non-refundable incentive;
    • 50% of the incentive granted through an interest-free bank loan.
  • Companies (SMEs and large enterprises) of any nature and under any legal form.
  • Machinery and equipment;
  • Technology transfer through the acquisition of patent rights;
  • Building construction, renovation works and other constructions (Industry and Tourism only);
  • Standard or customised software;
  • Computer equipment and software;
  • Engineering services related to project deployment;
  • Licenses and technical knowledge not protected by patent;
  • Diagnosis, auditing, marketing plans, architectural and engineering projects;
  • Rolling stock that constitutes the tourism activity to be developed, provided that it is directly related to the exercise of the activity.
  • For eligible investments equal to or higher than 15 million euros or promoted by non-SME companies: 15 percentage points (p.p.);
  • For the remaining situations: 35 p.p. for medium-sized companies and 45 p.p. for micro and small enterprises.
  • 10 p.p. for projects located in low density territories, under the terms defined in the deliberation of the Portugal 2020 CIC on September 12, 2018 (Low Density Territories);
  • 10 p.p. for SMEs with eligible investments below EUR 15 million, that develop the project in the areas of Industry 4.0, where digital transformation will enable disruptive changes in business models, products and production processes, circular economy or energy transition, as well as technological innovation investments, namely in automation, of companies with higher labour intensity and therefore presenting a high weight of Personnel Costs in the total costs (Sectoral Policy Benchmarks);
  • 5 p.p. to be allocated to projects for the setting-up of new units generating the creation of skilled jobs (qualification equal to or higher than level 6 according to Ministerial Order no. 782/2009, of 23rd July).

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Territorios Inteligentes

Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico

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Qualificação da Oferta

Qualificação das PME

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Tesouraria – Covid 19

Apoio à Produção Nacional

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